Hippodrome de Langon
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Hippodrome de Langon
Hippodrome de Langon is a horse-racing track in Langon, Gironde, France. It opened in 1980, at the La Petite Bidane.
The track is located at Hippodrome de la Bidane – 33210 Langon, in Gironde, 50 km south-west of Bordeaux. Founded in 1863, and is one of the oldest in France. It was originally located at the current motorway tollbooth, and then it moved to the Bidane district, where the first racecourse was built in 1979 while the first races on the new racetrack began in the spring of 1980. The closure to Les Vergers is partly caused by the impossibility of bringing the runway up to standard, which is too swiveling, too short, and unable to extend onto neighboring land. The merger between the racetracks of Langon and Libourne, represented by Mr. DARFEUILLE, resulted to the new name of the racecourse which is Société des courses hippiques de Langon-Libourne. The financial windfall caused by the merger made it possible in September 2012 to undertake major works: creating a new sand trotting track and complete reconstruction of the premises and stands.
The meetings traditionally took place on Easter Monday for the first season, then over two days for the Langon festival at the end of July. In 2015 was the merge of the Langon and Libourne racing companies. In order to meet the standards for hosting national-level meetings giving rise to bets (PMU), a new platform was built, housing a betting room, premises for jockeys, and the facilities necessary for the refereeing of races.
Track Details
It has a flat grass track, rope on the left, and a straight finish line. It has two turns distances, measuring 1800m and three turns with 2575m. The track for trotting is a sand track with rope on the left and a straight finish line. The distances are 2200m and 2800m. It has 52 boxes, 61 stalls, and several showers that allow you to take care of the horses before and after each race. There is also a restaurant with a terrace on the edge of the track, snack bar, refreshment bar, and free parking adjacent to the racetrack, with playgrounds for children.

- La Petite Bidane, 33210 Langon, France
- Phone: +33 5 56 62 25 40
- https://www.hippodromelangon.com/

Hippodrome de Langon
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